Up and Coming Authors!

And New Releases from Well-Loved Authors

This month I want to share with you, the delights I have discovered from new, and new-to-me, authors.

Welcome to July's Bookish Edition of Creating Sparks that Last

Elora Canne

Up and Coming Authors:

So much has happened in the book world this month, I have much to share: 
  • ARC reads 
  • Beta reads 
  • Book endorsements
  • Online interviews 
  • Podcast interviews 
  • In-person, Aussie author, book launch events
  • Bookish start-up event launching this month

To say I am pumped would be an understatement!

Right! Onto the Big Reveal:

Author’s Showcase

Mitos Ming Suson, author of several emotive memoirs herself, approached me for an author feature on her blog, after reading my memoir, En Route. It was such a thrill!

Her fun and informative interview reveals all the juicy bits which you can read about, here: Author's Showcase  - click through to 'Read full interview here.'

If you'd like the chance for an Author's Showcase with Mitos, follow the link to her Instagram profile or click on her website: 

Instagram: Mitos Ming Suson

Living Big Mindfully Podcast 

by Kate Champion will be launching 1 August 2023! 

Kate is an author of real stories inspiring real people. We got to know each other's captivating stories on Instagram. 

I was elated when Kate requested to interview me because her relaxed interview style evokes deep revelations and meaningful conversations

The episode featuring our interview broadcasts soon! 

Find her inspiring stories of life, love, health, healing, and thriving, here: Living Big Mindfully Podcast

For the opportunity of an interview with Kate, find her on Instagram or go to her website:

Instagram: Kate Champion Author

Website: Kate Champion

Launching Soon 🚀

I have had the humungous pleasure of bearing witness to the author journey of one Maria C. Palmer, a mighty and powerful influence in the enrichment of her community.

Maria's memoir, On The Rocks, chronicles her father's rise and fall as an esteemed restaurateur. Maria and her father, Joe Costanzo, Jr., piece together the story as they reveal the impact it had on their family life through some scary experiences. 

I was humbled by Maria's request for an endorsement of her book and equally appreciative for it to be selected and accepted by her publisher, Koehler Books.

Release date is 8 August 2023, however, you can preorder today so you don't miss this story of grit and determination.

Tap the link: On The Rocks: The Primadonna Story

Connect with Maria on Instagram for hot-off-the-press updates, here:

Fans of the Primadonna Restaurant

A Little Local Rendevouz

To find out that, not one, but two big-time Aussie authors were coming to my sleepy little village, was a thrilling discovery!

I was fascinated to listen to the success of a ‘pantser’ author who wings the storyline, just like me, a mere fledgling author. This was encouraging.

So, I guess you’d like to know who I’m talking about?

The book launch was for Sandie Docker’s latest release, The Red Gum River Retreat. After requesting more alliteration in the book’s title, the publisher liked Sandie’s suggestion of ‘retreat’, resulting in a re-jigging to include a music retreat in the story. 

I find it quite affirming to know that celebrity authors also have manuscript makeovers, just like the rest of us aspiring authors.

I finally have a copy in my page-turning paws!

The second author of the night was Kaneana May, and it was her work in which I discovered the comfort of familiar surroundings. This included the serendipity of a weekend getaway the very next day for me, to the romanticized mountain village in which her first story, The Onetakes place.

But the story that really touched me, All We Have is Now, took me on blissful countryside ramblings that I could visualize clearly. 

Oh the delight! 

On a Personal Note

Nonfiction Network: 

Our platform, on Instagram, aims to amplify the voices of nonfiction writers and is proving to be very popular. We now have a QR code for you to share with other nonfiction enthusiasts, easily. 

If you’d like to join our network for a free shoutout, comment below.

Author Sighting:

Imagine my astonishment when a holiday-maker in my village called out my name! 

To be recognised as an author by a near stranger was a defining moment for me; a morale booster. Surreal, unbelievable, career-affirming.

I say ‘near stranger’ because we are fellow-memoirists on Instagram. One of the benefits of social media is the genuine connections we make, which sometimes develop into friendships.

We had a meet-up the following day for a wonderful walk and chat on the beach, getting to know each other a little more.

Book Swaps and Board Games

Feeling motivated by the connections I’ve made on Instagram, I decided to go ahead with a plan to connect with other book-lovers in real-life.

A once-a-month get together for a quick book swap, chat, game or two and a cuppa will satisfy my inner book nerd and board game geek.

Our local club happily agreed to let me host monthly events in their social lounge and my hope is to provide a space for friendships to blossom.

Relationships, connections and new experiences keep the gray-matter-gremlins at bay!

Writing Capers:

I’m feeling really pleased after receiving rewarding Beta feedback for my New-Adult novel, Forest of Sun and Shadows.

This has been hugely motivating, so I’ll be submitting it to traditional publishers for consideration, from 1 September 2023.

Keep a look out for my request for ARC readers in the coming weeks. 

The story follows teenager, Rhen, in her quest to escape the dogma of a stifling relationship, while grappling with the complexities of becoming a young mum.


I do hope you’ve been inspired by my recommendations to pick up a book or two, let me know which ones appealed to you!

If you’re a keen memoir reader and/or writer, do join the friendliest group on FacebookWe Love Memoirs

There are plenty of memoirs to be won, including mine this month, EN ROUTE: The Best is Yet To Be.

If you prefer, you can buy a copy at the links below:

Paperback: EN ROUTE: The Best is Yet To Be

eBook: EN ROUTE: The Best is Yet To Be

For more bookish tips, recs and news, subscribe below:

Creating Sparks that Last BLOG

To follow our Nonfiction Network hashtag, either scan the QR code below, or look-up the #nonfictionnetwork hashtag on Instagram:

If you’re local to Mid-North Coast, NSW Australia, we’d love to meet you at our inaugural Book Swaps and Board Games event:

Thanks for your friendship, bye for now.


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