What Defines You?

Books, Food, Activities, Thoughts, Sightings, Conversations In other words, life. It is said that we 'are what we eat,' and it is also said that, 'our thoughts become things.' But have you heard, or felt , the notion that our bodies imbibe what we read, see and hear? It's certainly true for me, and as announced last month, I will be talking about books that have had a profound effect on me, here on the blog for the foreseeable future. Books really do embody the 'read, see, hear' criteria of our lives so we need to be mindful of what literature we consume. The three I want to mention today were heavy reads for me and deeply affecting. Perhaps it makes a difference too, if there is a connection, however indiscernible, between reader and author. Whilst I know none of the following authors personally, I do feel some sort of connection with each. At an author talk I attended, the interviewee spoke volumes to me about her knowledge of our local area. Unintention...