Mindful Listening with Wrapt Attention

Connect Through Kindliness [kindly concern, interest, or support] @johnschnobrich Unsplash Intimacy is not only physical connection, it is also mindful connection. People start to heal when they feel heard. Mindful Listening: "Focus on your partner and really listen in to what they're telling you." Making Couples Happy - John Aiken ❤ Listen, but don't fix - just empathise. ❤ Listen, but don't interrupt - just connect. ❤ Listen, but don't judge - just understand. This kind of listening helps people connect through empathy, or as I prefer to call it, kindliness . To me kindliness is more tangible. Empathy can seem a bit vague to those who don't have it, whereas kindliness gives a better indication of what is expected; concern, interest, support. When you listen without interrupting, you become present. Using facial expressions and gentle gestures strengthe...