Birthday Celebrations

3 Month Book Birthday, That Is (And my sister 👸 [not 3 months]) It's been a monumental week in the life of EN ROUTE. She passed her 3-month mark as a self-published memoir, which, incidentally, means that Amazon no longer feels the need to prop her up for visibility. So, in real terms, she's passed to the next level of independence as a self-published book! Hooray for EN ROUTE 🎉🥳 Book Blast: As is fitting for any birthday party, we celebrated in style. She had a blast! No really, a real BOOK BLAST! Duffy the Writer published a beautiful Book Blast for EN ROUTE. You can read it at the link: Book Blast for EN ROUTE by Duffy the Writer Or the short version here: Shortened Book Blast Mother's Day Giveaway Another huge celebration for EN ROUTE was a giveaway for Mother's Day and I couldn't have asked for a more deserving winner! This mum literally took time out of her busy #mumlife while her daughters were sleeping, to read EN ROUTE. That's a true Mother's ...