Bring Your Marriage Back from the Brink

Dormant Feelings Can Be Re-Ignited You can also find new ways to feel by learning more about each other. To recap on last weeks’ post about honest and open vulnerability and making a commitment to the happiness of your relationship, I’ve got a few pointers below to steer the process in the right direction. To learn a little more about your mate it’ll help to understand some of these ideas: Unique 🔸 What are your interests, individually and as a couple? Connect 🔸Physically and emotionally with eye contact Consistent 🔸 Commit ahead of time to a time frame that suits both your calendars for date events Vulnerability 🔸 Be prepared to talk of sensitive issues without fear of betrayal Laughter 🔸It really is the best medicine ; choose outings that tickle your funny bone I am not a marriage counsellor, I’m not even a relationship guide; what I am, is a wife. I have been ...