
Showing posts with the label Memoir

Couldn't Wait to Share

This Exciting News Couldn't Wait! Hah! I bet you never expected to see me twice in your inbox in one month, but, here we are. Haha. And for good reason I might add. My most exciting news is that my novella manuscript is nearing publication stage and I am seeking a street team to help with its visibility. Love & Laughter (And other disasters) is a 31000 word friends-to-lovers contemporary fiction story. If you enjoy clean romance, empowering midlife protagonists and schmoozy cats, reach out for your chance to read it first! But, reading the novella is not essential if you'd just like to be on the street team. We're simply sharing promotional posts for it, now and again. No review required. Comment your interest below, or email me if you'd prefer: - Subject heading: LAL Novella My second exciting piece of news is that my memoir, EN ROUTE , is available FREE to members of the group We Love Memoirs on Facebook. It's easy to join and is well-kn...

Love is a Crush

Learn From It My favourite thing to do is learn from my mistakes. Seriously. I love nothing better than to analyze a situation, how it went wrong, what went wrong and how to make it better. Note: I intentionally did not say 'how to fix it' because 'fixing it' denotes that something is broken. WE ARE NOT BROKEN, WE ARE HUMAN and humans are complex. And I think we all know by now, that no relationship is without its problems 100% of the time. So back to 'Love is a Crush' - it's essentially an emotion of intense infatuation that either rapidly evolves into a deeper emotion of care and affection, or not. Of course, I'm referring to romantic relationships because we can all acknowledge that we have the capacity to encompass dynamics of love such as parents, children, siblings, friends and family outside of a romantic relationship. I've spent nearly 4 decades married to my husband. 4 Decades!! I'm sure you can imagine some of the changes we would have ...

Relationships and Resilience

In Conversation with Author Pat Backley Photo credit:  Pat Backley Pat’s memoir  From There To Here (With An Awful Lot In Between) is sprinkled with her positive outlook and quotes to live by. Here is one such quote that really stood out to me: Whatever life throws at you, never give up. Just learn to adapt and change. You’ll hear more of her passion and positivity shine through as you listen to our chat here: Relationships and Resilience   And if you have any questions for Pat, let’s hear them in the comments. She is a font of inspiration! You’ll find all of her books, both fiction and nonfiction on her website:  Pat Backley - Author Connect with Pat on the socials at the following links: Instagram   Facebook LinkedIn Twitter And I’ll leave you with one last quote from Pat that will inspire you to live the life you dream of: Life can be tough, but try to keep smiling through the tears. When you get knocked down, get up and carry on…You never know what’s around...

When Inspiration Hits

Walk Your Talk I was recently interviewed by the talented fantasy fiction author, Ash Oldfield, who released The Rachaya Series second edition this week! Talk about the dragon within!  What follows is the transcript of highlights from our interview with the full interview at the link below: ~ Elora Canne has written two children’s books and, more recently, her memoir, EN ROUTE: The Best Is Yet To Be. As a retired Childcare Educator of 20+ years, having so much free time was just what she needed to put pen to paper. Her memoir spans a period of roughly 10 years, including her inward and outward travels as a midlife gap year helped her handle her internal struggles and re-ignite her decades-long marriage. Q: What is your schedule like when you’re writing a book? A: I’m an early bird, it’s when I do my best work. But I’m also a spontaneous note scribbler when inspiration hits. Q: What advice would you give to a writer working on their first book? A: Just write everything down. Don’t s...

Bursting Ping Pong Balls

Are You Sitting Down? I interrupt your week with this early edition of the blog so you can share in my excitement with me! After 10 years from idea to implementation, my memoir is finally here! I am bursting ping pong balls of joy and fear at the thought of bearing my life in the pages of a book for ALL the world to read. Instagram @elora_canne But, my message is one of finding inner-strength so I had to  practice what I preach  as it were, and put myself out there. Direct link:  EN ROUTE: The Best Is Yet To Be  - eBook 📲 Direct link:  EN ROUTE: The Best Is Yet To Be  - Paperback 📚 In a unique blend of inner and outward travel I have combined my personal growth with that of a year-long trip around the world. So let's unravel the complexities of human nature together, while taking in the grandeur of the natural world.  Click this link for video footage:  Travel with me  as we explore who we are and how we fit into the world. I am both petrif...

Honour the Men in Your Life

 International Men's Day International Men's Day  is held annually on 19 November. It is an opportunity to celebrate men and boys in all their diversity. Many people also use the day to highlight some of the key social issues that men and boys around the world face.  International Men's Day Info Disclaimer : The following information is based on my opinion entirely and is not meant, in any way, to persuade the reader's rights to their own opinion. The celebration of the men in our lives DOES NOT INCLUDE abusive relationships. Please seek help if you are in an abusive situation:  Global Link Honoring the Men in Our Lives We all start off in life with a male figure-head 'somewhere' in our lives. Some may not be present as father-figures but we are all conceived by both male and female interaction. So what is it then, that determines our perception of the male presence around us? Undoubtedly the direct attention of those in our daily lives, whether it be family, f...

En Route: The best is yet to be

Sometimes sombre, sometimes humorous, always enlightening Something wonderful is happening so I wanted to share the excitement with you. In 7 months I will be a published author! I have written my memoir which is an expansion of ‘Creating Sparks that Last,’ which you might already have read. If you haven’t, it’s available at the link in the top post; it will give you the backstory to my memoir. If you’re unable to access the link I’ll gladly email the ebook/pdf document to you. Anyway, back to my memoir, ‘En Route: The best is yet to be.’ In the unraveling of my inherent people-pleasing practices I uncover a hidden dragon within. This self-empowerment helps me give voice to my opinions; to speak up in trying times and to face adversity head on. From all this self-discovery I learn new ways of engaging in all my relationship dynamics. From siblings, to offspring, in-laws, parents and partner, I find my identity and mightily so! If you’d like the same empowerment for your life, register ...