
Showing posts with the label long term marriage

Choose Her Every Day

(or Leave Her) I have an emotive book review for you today, so hold onto your hats, because this book is transformative! What follows is a guide for your journey through the transformational fires of love and intimacy, as written by Bryan Withrow Reeves . This book has big themes. I'm usually a multi-reader but this was a singular read for me, albeit in small doses so I could absorb all that was being discussed. Choose Her Every Day (or Leave Her)   My Five Star Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reeves has a no-nonsense style of writing that appeals to my sense of recognition and acknowledgement, that we are all in similar relationship struggles, even the experts. He has an upfront approach to revealing all the nuances of what it's like being a male from an intimacy point of view - nothing crude, just direct. However, he is clear to differentiate between the masculine and feminine sides we each have. The author takes us through his failed relationships from youth to maturity. He outlines what went...

The Nature of Relationships

 Let's Dig In My cat is a very typical one and does things that are typically, well, cat-like. Her most annoying cat-like characteristic is to wake up at 4am, most days, on other days it's more like 2am! This particular morning I considered myself lucky, I got an extra 20 minutes of sleep in, as the meowy alarm only went off at 4.20am! Success, kind of.  Wednesday's are walking group days for me, but on the Wednesday in question, I was without a car at home for various reasons of family travel or work or whatever. Since I'd had  hours of pre-dawn reading time (which is my very favourite thing to do, so kitty is all forgiven anyway), I got particularly comfortable in bed with my book, my steaming mug of coffee and no-one in the house to disturb me. Bliss! Even kitty had gone back to sleep since her tummy was now full. By 6.30am I remembered my resolve to go to my walking group regardless of not having a car. It's only 2.5km away to th...

Redefining Love and Marriage

Redefining Boundaries Committing to a life-long marriage through difficult times takes a lot of courage. Each partner has to redefine for themselves the kind of life they want to lead within the walls of a partnership. Will you be willing to forgo some of your identity to take on the characteristics of a partner, who, just a few years ago was a complete stranger? How well do you know each other? In this life that you share, how deeply have you truly got to know each other? What you do on a daily basis in the humdrum of a nine to five lifestyle erodes the learnings and coping mechanisms adopted from your years of younger love. Invisible introspection can dim the light in your eyes if you let it. Old habits take over  if you forget to create  special moments together Learning to redefine the meaning of love means learning to redefine boundaries that no longer have any meaning. Boundaries that were significant at the beginning of your relationship as ...

You're Just 1 Hour from Better Loving

And a Whole Lot of Living There she is! Introducing my book baby, which, just by the way, hit the No.1 Best Seller list in it's category on launch day! The category is One-Hour Relationships Short Reads ! That's it - in just one hour you could be on your way to a whole new way of life. Imagine how good that will be. You and your partner can be reading TONIGHT, together and start living your best lives as a couple madly, deeply in love. Grab your chance  HERE ! Wake Up Tomorrow Morning With a Clean Slate Here's how my book, Creating Sparks that Last,  has helped other couples just like you: Don’t you just LOVE that this reader is so inspired to create new sparks, new memories and renewed connection, in her marriage? I do! This next reader just blew me away with her enthusiasm for her husband to read the book: You’re just an hour away from living your romantic dream, and at just $.99c, I’d say that’s real value. Don’t delay:  Grab it tod...

Heal Your Own Heart First

How to Heal Your Own Heart and Still Be Kind to Others Welcome to the second instalment in our new mini-series Our Relationship with Ourselves                                                            Spiritually, the four chambers of the heart represent: ♥  Compassion:  Kindness, c oncern, consi deration, c are      ♥   Love: F ondness, rev erence, r espect, v alue ♥   Understanding:   Thoughtful, a ltruistic, a ccepting, p atient ♥   Emotion:   Feeling, s entiment, p assion, s ensation                               ...

Listen With Your Eyes

 Body Language Speaks Volumes "The first important point to realize is that only a small part of what you are communicating at any moment is coming from the actual words you are saying. There are three ways that we are constantly sending out messages to those around us:  body language, tone of voice and actual words." - Decoding Love by Andrew Trees I've done extensive research in the art of communicating, particularly with people who are emotionally vulnerable. To continue our communication thread, we'll look at a variety of ways we can be more receptive to our partners' needs and convey our message with more awareness and perhaps subtlety. In the book Decoding Love, Andrew Trees goes on to say, "In most casual conversations, what we say is the least important of the three aspects of communication."  Consider a conversation you're having with someone while they're checking their mobile phone. This is a tra...

A Good Relationship Isn't Something You Find

 A Good Relationship Is Something You Make Image credit @carolinamarinelli on Unsplash Setting goals as a couple helps unify your focus. It connects your purpose for your relationship and ensures that you are both invested in its longevity. Working towards the longevity of your relationship can take effort, but setting goals together is one of the easiest ways to do it. Because you're both invested in the same outcome of that particular goal, it gives your relationship direction and purpose. As quoted from Revive Your Midlife Marriage - Midlife Marriage Strategist on Instagram: A good marriage isn't something you find. It's something you make, and you have to keep on making it every single day. She goes on to ask: 'Are you accepting things that could really be different if you put a little time, energy, and intention into it?' Marriage can feel overwhelming and make you feel like you don't have the energy to work on it, so we ignore what's happening and try ...