Reset Your Intentions

Are Your Goals Getting Away From You? On 2 July 2022, we'll be exactly halfway through the year. You’ve achieved some of your goals but others might not have worked out as you expected. So let’s reset our intentions for the second half of the year. What direction do you want the rest of your year to go in? • Do you want to take your career up a notch? • Perhaps pivot your business ventures completely? • Maybe it’s your health and well-being you want to reset? • Or perhaps you want to enhance the quality of your relationships with the myriad people in your life? It’s not too late: Take 10 minutes right now to see yourself succeeding in your workplace: home-life, corporate or small business. I know that you love what you have envisioned for yourself and you want it so badly. And you CAN achieve it. Whatever it might be. The solution: Start today! As a writer, I’ve only recently built the habit of writing regularly. Sounds obvious right? I used to only ...