Silver Tinsel in my Hair

Goddess Frump I Have Silver Streaks in my Hair – Deal With It We'll take a Festive break here to celebrate ourselves. Have fun with this article I penned about frumps. 54 Years ago I had no hair, no teeth, couldn’t speak and I cried a lot. People loved me. Today, I have hair, I can speak and I cry only a little. People still love me. My hair has silver streaks in it – and those same people still love me. My teeth are crooked and tinged with a faint acknowledgement of a coffee addiction – still, people love me. My point is, I am a frump and I freaking love being a frump. I will not try to be anything else and people will still love me – for me. For who I really am. For my wrinkles and the silver streaks in my hair. The only expectations I have are self-respect. So long as I maintain my own standards of integrity I am brazenly me. Goddess Frump. That is who I am. It has taken me a long time to get there, 19 615 days give or take. I have spent approximately 28 245 600 minutes ...