
Showing posts from February, 2022

How Well do You Know Yourself?

Nobody Perceives You the Way You Perceive Yourself Frida Kahlo Cover image from the book; Frida Kahlo's Garden I am the person I know best.   Quote from Frida Kahlo regarding her self portraits. I have been fascinated by Frida Kahlo's expression of self for many years. Her use of light and shadow in her creativity depicts, closely, her awareness of shadow and brightness in herself. Light and shadow that each of us have. The quote above is preceded by deeper reflection: I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best. For me, alone time has always been paramount to me thriving in a noisy, busy world. Alone but not lonely, which I think is what tormented Frida somewhat. That opinion is my own based on the fact that she divorced her husband, Diego Rivera and ended her longtime affair with photographer Nickolas Muray in the same year. Anyway, this is not a study on Frida Kahlo, merely a reflection of how well she knew herself and how that led...

How Do Relationships Shape Us?

How Do They Shape Our Identity? I’ve been thinking long and hard about this question over the years. I mean, change is inevitable, but how much of that change is influenced by our partners? How much of our core self remains untouched? Do you know? Are you the same person you were 10 years ago? 20 Years ago? No, of course you aren’t, because growth changes our perspective of everything. So how do you maintain the you whom you have crafted so hard to forge, while evolving with adaptations to reality? There are 6 questions below that will help you find the answer. Examining your morals and ethics goes a long way to observing the person within that you want to portray to the world. To help keep your identity intact within the framework of a relationship, I’ve created a fun, anonymous survey that’ll help you define your beliefs. No email required! caleb-george-VL9ugqp_mko-unsplash It’s a blend of thoughtful, deep questions...

When Inspiration Hits

Walk Your Talk I was recently interviewed by the talented fantasy fiction author, Ash Oldfield, who released The Rachaya Series second edition this week! Talk about the dragon within!  What follows is the transcript of highlights from our interview with the full interview at the link below: ~ Elora Canne has written two children’s books and, more recently, her memoir, EN ROUTE: The Best Is Yet To Be. As a retired Childcare Educator of 20+ years, having so much free time was just what she needed to put pen to paper. Her memoir spans a period of roughly 10 years, including her inward and outward travels as a midlife gap year helped her handle her internal struggles and re-ignite her decades-long marriage. Q: What is your schedule like when you’re writing a book? A: I’m an early bird, it’s when I do my best work. But I’m also a spontaneous note scribbler when inspiration hits. Q: What advice would you give to a writer working on their first book? A: Just write everything down. Don’t s...

Bursting Ping Pong Balls

Are You Sitting Down? I interrupt your week with this early edition of the blog so you can share in my excitement with me! After 10 years from idea to implementation, my memoir is finally here! I am bursting ping pong balls of joy and fear at the thought of bearing my life in the pages of a book for ALL the world to read. Instagram @elora_canne But, my message is one of finding inner-strength so I had to  practice what I preach  as it were, and put myself out there. Direct link:  EN ROUTE: The Best Is Yet To Be  - eBook 📲 Direct link:  EN ROUTE: The Best Is Yet To Be  - Paperback 📚 In a unique blend of inner and outward travel I have combined my personal growth with that of a year-long trip around the world. So let's unravel the complexities of human nature together, while taking in the grandeur of the natural world.  Click this link for video footage:  Travel with me  as we explore who we are and how we fit into the world. I am both petrif...