
Showing posts from October, 2024

Embracing The New

The How and The Why of Letting Go You've heard it before, but today, I'm giving you the HOW and the WHY of letting go. September brought about massive growth for me in both my business and personal capacity. This spilled over into the first week of October where growth became epiphany.  And that, I just had to share with you. I'll start with the easier business achievements to record and move on to the more complex areas of personal growth after. Every year I choose a word to embrace for the season of my  CURRENT journey I'm experiencing, in order to expand on that in the best way for me, in the coming months. This year my word was COMFORTABLE and it has served my expansion so very well. BUSINESS GROWTH As a recovering people-pleaser, I finally had to embrace the notion that I simply could not please everyone, in other words, I had to grow into the idea of being COMFORTABLE being disliked. To start this rollercoaster off, I enthusiastically sent many of my manuscripts