Birthday Celebrations

3 Month Book Birthday, That Is (And my sister 👸 [not 3 months])

It's been a monumental week in the life of EN ROUTE.
She passed her 3-month mark as a self-published memoir, which, incidentally, means that Amazon no longer feels the need to prop her up for visibility. So, in real terms, she's passed to the next level of independence as a self-published book! Hooray for EN ROUTE 🎉🥳

Book Blast:

As is fitting for any birthday party, we celebrated in style. She had a blast! No really, a real BOOK BLAST! Duffy the Writer published a beautiful Book Blast for EN ROUTE. 

You can read it at the link: 
Book Blast for EN ROUTE by Duffy the Writer

Or the short version here: Shortened Book Blast

Mother's Day Giveaway

Another huge celebration for EN ROUTE was a giveaway for Mother's Day and I couldn't have asked for a more deserving winner! This mum literally took time out of her busy #mumlife while her daughters were sleeping, to read EN ROUTE. That's a true Mother's Day celebration in my opinion. (Image is on my Instagram if you're curious Mum Life)


EN ROUTE also received the gift of a truly perfect review. This reader fully appreciated the message of personal growth and relationship development, illustrating the underlying purpose and essence of EN ROUTE.

Elora’s book review of ‘En Route’ by Barbara Randell

Elora takes us on a world tour, through America, Europe, England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, South Africa, and even parts of Australia. We visit some tourist sites, but do not see them through the glitz and glamour of the tourist brochures. 

Most of the time, we visit places that tourists never see, the homes of people just like us, but whom we have never met. Elora’s husband is her constant companion through her travels, and we learn about their mutual likes and dislikes. 

Learning to accept and love each other more strongly, 
despite those differences, is one of the outcomes of their travels.

Frequently they are joined by other family members, and close friends. Elora watches their interaction with each other, and draws lessons from them, which should benefit us all. She returns home, a wiser stronger woman.

During my 53 years of marriage, we too had to learn many things to keep our relationship strong. We never did a ‘gap year’ (though our daughter did), but learnt as we shared our daily lives, the problems that rose so frequently, and the solutions we found for them. Well done, Elora, for sharing your journey with us. 

You can find more of Barbara's own work here: 

Instagram: Barbara Randell

Relationship Conversations

An amazing finale in the week of celebrations for EN ROUTE was an interview with Couples Relationship Expert, Cheri Timko. As you would have read in last week's blog post (read it here), Cheri helps individuals strengthen their connection with their current partner. Our chat was SO informative and I'm positive you will gain much clarity around the confusion of how to make your relationship extraordinary! Click the link below to listen:

Relationship Habits Chat with Cheri Timko - Follow the links in the caption for more of Cheri's amazing work.

It’s not too late

If you’re looking for that special gift for Mother’s Day there’s still time to buy your Mum the ebook version of EN ROUTE. (If she doesn’t have a Kindle, you can download the free Kindle app for her. That’s how I read my eBooks.)

Here’s the link for you: EN ROUTE eBook

I have free resources for you as well for date ideas that’ll spark more fun in your relationships. You can access them here:

Which article gave you the most value from today’s blog post?


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