Reset Your Intentions

Are Your Goals Getting Away From You?

On 2 July 2022, we'll be exactly halfway through the year. You’ve achieved some of your goals but others might not have worked out as you expected. So let’s reset our intentions for the second half of the year.

What direction do you want the rest of your year to go in?

• Do you want to take your career up a notch?
• Perhaps pivot your business ventures completely?
• Maybe it’s your health and well-being you want to reset?
• Or perhaps you want to enhance the quality of your relationships with the myriad people in your life?

It’s not too late:

Take 10 minutes right now to see yourself succeeding in your workplace: home-life, corporate or small business.

I know that you love what you have envisioned for yourself and you want it so badly. And you CAN achieve it. Whatever it might be.

The solution:

Start today!

As a writer, I’ve only recently built the habit of writing regularly. Sounds obvious right? I used to only write when inspiration flowed, now I engineer my success with even as few as 100 words per day. That is my goal as a writer; to write.

All it takes is one small mindset adjustment and you will engineer your day, work, life, relationships, for success too.

Come with me as we clear the fog 
and forge your way ahead

Mid-Year Revival

Are you ready for your mid-year revival?

Your personal goals and strategies are unique to you, but there are universal steps you can take that will steer you closer to achieving them.

First things first:

Find the fire in your belly that you had in January for the start of all things new.
Can you feel the urgency you had to start afresh?


Zone into that feeling and notice the tiny spark of thought that enters your head.
Did you accomplish what you set out to do?
• If yes, take it one step further, bigger, to dynamite level!
• If no, what can you do to achieve it now? A walk? A phone call? Research, or even a course to amplify your skills?

And lastly:

Congratulate yourself for making progress towards your goals, dreams and aspirations.

I am proud of you for taking these steps to reset your intentions to fill your joyometer right up!

Share your success in the comments so we can have a cyber celebration!

🎶 Don’t stop me now, I’m having a good time yeah! 🎶

If you want to launch your life into the stratosphere of exceeding joy and achievement join me on the socials and let’s get it done!

Find me here: Facebook

And here: Instagram

And if you really want to know how I crafted my success through tears, tantrums and hair-pulling, so you don’t have to, check it out here: 

Remember to subscribe for more mind-blowing tips!


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