Hot 🔥 Relationship Goals

Goals to Make Your Relationship Zing!

Young couple standing in long grass at sunset with their foreheads touching while hugging each.
Image credit @unsplash by @jonathansborba

When James and I completed our Date Year Experiment, we came away with solid ideas of what we wanted our relationship to look like. We set goals to ensure that we got the very best outcome. I'll outline some of them here, along with additional ideas from

🔥 Know your boundaries and limitations:

        ❣   As well as knowing your own boundaries and letting your partner figure out theirs, you also need to know your limitations: own your faults, your shortcomings and areas of required improvement. Don't try to dictate your partners' limitations to them, this is about you taking ownership of your own stuff.

🔥 Validate your own feelings and emotions:

        ❣   Maintaining the status quo to keep the peace is not an option. Name your feelings, name your emotions without having to defend them. They just are because that is what you're experiencing.

🔥  Prioritize YOU time; passion projects, hobbies and interests:

         ❣  It took me several decades to learn that this is not being demanding. It's a necessity. It doesn't mean you're not acknowledging your partners' needs, because they too, are responsible for prioritizing their own needs - you are not the source of their accomplishments and entertainment.

🔥    Be willing to risk rejection for what is important to you:

        ❣   The happily-ever-after myth is exactly that, a myth. Autonomy respects the right to our opinions, values and perspectives - which includes the freedom to disagree, even if it means risking that rejection for what is important to you. You've heard it before; sometimes you have to agree to disagree, respectfully.

🔥    Learn how to embrace healthy conflict:

        ❣   We embrace healthy conflict by seeing differences of opinion as growth. Accepting that there will be times of challenge and conflict in your relationship helps to understand that it is not a bad thing. Growth mindset through difficulties means finding solutions and facing changes together.

~ Every relationship looks different so your goals and outcomes will be indicative of your personality and that of your partner. I'd be really interested to know how some of your goals might differ from those I've mentioned above. Drop me a comment to let me know.

~ Start a conversation with your partner today. Then, if you’re comfortable, share your findings so we can learn from each other.


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