Marriage Manifesto


Choose ways to ignite your relationship that make both of you happy

Image credit @casey-horner via Unsplash

♥ Notice how I said ‘unique’? 

There is no one size fits all to a relationship so don’t compare your relationship to anyone else’s. 

Each one is a unique fit.

I largely chose our dates myself for Date Year but I made sure to integrate James’ preferences as well. This is how our experiences became unique to us.

I use words like ‘both’, ‘our’ and ‘us’ because marriage is exclusively about the two of you. Three’s a crowd, no doubt about it. We’re not talking about socializing, we’re talking about connecting. Your marriage needs to grow the two of you together so choose your date experiences wisely.

♥ Be consistent. Don’t let the inconvenience of everyday life get in the way of making a commitment to the happiness of your marriage.     


♥ Regularity brings results. A once-off just won't cut it.

♥ Honest and open vulnerability is a necessity to bringing trust into any relationship. Some dates need neutral space to bare your soul.

♥ Shared laughter is healing laughter. Remember to create a few fun experiences too.

Image credit @scott-broome via Unsplash

How have you managed to make date outings work for your relationship? I'm always interested in reading how other couples have been successful in creating greater happiness in their relationships. Do you go out on regular dates or are you more of a 'wing-it' couple, as the mood strikes? How about at-home dates? Do those work for you?


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