Real Relationship Tips that Work!

 5 Tips for a Loving Relationship

Here are my 5 tried and tested truth bombs that work!

  • Listen with your eyes!

          Making and maintaining eye contact - without staring like a stalker! - shows your genuine interest and makes the person who is talking to you, feel heard and acknowledged.

  •  Make time for each other

           And make it meaningful. Instead of just going on a picnic, out for dinner or for a walk or hike, do something special to mark the occasion. Perhaps a quiet dance at home before dinner, or a favourite pillow/cushion for the picnic - get creative! This shows the other person that you truly want to be with them.
  • Do something just for them
         To make someone feel valued, do something that you might not enjoy but you know they do. It could be a movie of their choice but not particularly your taste, or maybe cook/order their favourite meal even if you really felt like pizza!  This let's them know that you've really thought about them.
  • Be kind just because
         If your partner hates their feet being touched for goodness sake don't give them a foot rub! But if they love a shoulder massage, do that instead. Kindness begets kindness and if you're the one initiating random acts of kindness in your relationship, do so with love and it will be returned.
  • Ask if they would like help
         If you see your partner struggling with something, ask first if they need help. That way you're not just jumping in and doing what you think needs doing or giving help that you think they need. Asking first, gives them the opportunity to decide if and what they would like help with. This gives them their power back to take control of a situation that might have been stressful.

A special blanket taken on an afternoon walk turns the ordinary into the extraordinary!

These are all tips, tricks and strategies that I've used in my relationship with my husband and we are still going strong after 35 years of marriage. And by strong I mean our relationship is better than it ever was before. 

Even better than the passionate younger days. 

Now, we get to be our best selves in a secure, loved environment, feel loved, BE loved and loving of each other, flaws and faults included.

Do you have a favourite tip or relationship hack that works for you as a couple?
Or perhaps you have some valuable advice that would help other struggling couples?

Share it below in the comments, be part of something huge! Let's start a relationship revolution!

Relax in the joy of knowing what it feels like to be loved

If you're interested in the scenic route we took to grow our relationship to where it is today, I have a quick-read ebook full of tips and ideas for date events that will make a real difference to your connection: Creating Sparks that Last

You can also take a deeper look at the evolution of our relationship from tempestuous teens to midlife love in my memoir, En Route - available for pre-order TODAY!

I can't wait to hear what tips and advice you have for your relationships - 
together forever, better than before.


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