One Life

 Where we Belong

Belonging eludes many people and yet it is such an inherent need in human beings; it gives meaning to our every thought and action. And a close second to that is connection, without which there can be no belonging.

True, we can't rely on 'belonging' for our own happiness but it definitely forms an integral part of our we perceive ourselves within society.

Travelling inwards reveals just how much our mind can  haunt us and berate us if we let it. However, self-discovery enables us to understand how we relate to others and to form meaningful connections with them. 

Finding a way to understand ourselves and deepen our inner-knowledge takes many forms. Sometimes it's physically trying new things, other times it's listening to that inner voice and shushing the critic but hearing the deeper reasoning of why we are so critical of our mistakes. This might enlighten us as to what we don't want in external relationships/friendships.

Therefore, knowing what it is we're looking for in others will help us to find our niche, our inglenook of belonging where we feel accepted for exactly who we are. This is vital in a relationship and works both ways.

Questions you can ask yourself to help awaken your awareness of your core beliefs:
  • What are my personal strengths?
  • How do I make others feel?
  • Who do I admire and why?
I think if you can answer those three questions openly and honestly, you're well on your way to establishing your inner-compass and where you feel most aligned in society.

And if all else fails, there's a little laugh further down the page with a bit of a *language* alert!


I'd love to continue the conversation in the comments. Let me know if you found the questions helpful.


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