How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship

Healthier and Happier Together

3 Best Tips for a Healthy Relationship

You wake up in the same bed every morning (or the spare bed if the snoring is unbearable, am I right?), eat the same cereal for breakfast every morning and drag yourself to work either home-office or workplace and wonder to yourself, "Is this It?"

No, I can attest that 'this is not it'.

This is how I know:

  • If we want things to change, we have to BE the change

  • Now this doesn't mean that all the relationship work is up to you, it simply means that if you are the one who wants things to be different, you have to be the one to do things differently.

  - Shake routines up a little, maybe cook a tasty     breakfast to have together on a weekday

            - Bring your partner a fruit and dip snack for morning tea if you both work from home

            - Pack them a home baked (or store bought) muffin to take to work if they're in the office 

Notice the surprise in their eyes when you appear in front of them with something different to enjoy. 

Notice the pleasure in the small smile when they thank you for the spoils.

Notice the warm fuzzy feeling you get, knowing you've made your partner a little happier.

  • If we want to be happier, our circle of influence needs to be happier too.
  • It's common knowledge that our moods rub off on each other so, again, if you're the one wanting things to be different, it's up to you to set the tone at home.
           - Background music does wonders to lift the atmosphere in a room.

           - Scent from a diffuser, candle, baking or simple air freshener is known to activate memories, just make sure they're happy ones.

           - Sensory input such as warm or glowing lighting, softens the harshness of bright aggravating lights: candles, lamps, salt lamps are all gentle lighting options.

  • Freshen your outlook to freshen your partner's outlook.
  • When we see the world with new eyes we see each other with new eyes too.
          - Change the linen - towels, tablecloths, bedding, even the kitchen towels if you want to start small.

           - Open the windows, blinds, curtains to let some fresh air and natural light in.

           - Buy some fresh flowers or pick some fresh herbs for a jug on the kitchen windowsill.

There are a myriad different small touches we can do that make a BIG difference in our daily lives.
It takes effort yes, but the results of a happier and healthier relationship are so worthwhile.

Share your ideas with me in the comments and let me know what changes you have made in your daily life, or which of the above ideas you might try.

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