Friday Favourites

Yours Choices Reflect Your Personality

Happy by Turia Pitt

My favourite book has recently changed, as in this week kind of recently. Reason being, it created the tiniest of pivot’s in my thinking that has turned my outlook upside down and right way up with such an improved view on life!

Available here (I am in no way affiliated)

I used to always name, ‘Expecting Adam’ as my favourite book because it too, turned my viewpoint right around, so it kind of scaffolded me to my current favourite. ‘Expecting Adam’ had been my fave for decades and I’ve read a lot more of Martha Beck’s books which I also loved.

Available here (Not affiliated)

Pay it Forward movie

The takeaway message for me has always been that “people are too scared to try.” This has catapulted me forwards on so many occasions! But beware, if you do watch it, it is a tearjerker.

Separate Bathrooms Podcast

I only discovered this podcast late last year. It covers all aspects of relationships in a real and relatable way. Intimate, emotional, funny and realistic, it has something for everyone.


This is also a recent discovery. In a conversation with my sister, she posed the question, “What would love do?” So after our conversation I thought about it and felt it to be a bit vague, so I dug deeper. ‘What would love say?’ came to mind as something more tangible that I could put into effect. Next time you feel annoyed with your partner, consider this mantra before letting lose on a flurry of colourful words.

Now your turn:

📗 It could be a book or genre.
 ðŸŽ¥ Movie or series.
🎙 Podcast,YouTube or Clubhouse room or even a song.
🗣 Mantra, quote, question or affirmation.

It’s important to have positive things that we use each of our senses for to elicit different responses in various situations. That way we always have something positive to fallback on, no matter the situation.

Remember to comment your selections below, you might inspire someone else with your choices or even BE inspired by someone else’s choices. And remember to subscribe for more motivational posts like this.

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