Are You a Prisoner of Your Thoughts?

Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

Deep questions for sure.

Let me start by asking you how often you find yourself having a heated discussion in your thoughts?

How often do you find yourself defending your actions internally, in your mind?

Okay, enough with the questions, I'm sure you get the picture. It happens in a millisecond. We do or think something that we feel someone will criticize and we immediately prepare our defense.

Crazy right? I've caught myself doing this countless times and am more aware than ever to stop my thoughts in their tracks and remind myself that it's simply not true and there is no reason for defense.

Just as importantly, I've started reminding myself that whatever the action is that I 'think' someone might criticize me for, is an action I am quite *entitled to take and need not feel defensive in the first place.

*Provided you're not hurting another being.

You are free to be you!

Unequivocally you! 

What will you do with your freedom? Go out into your day confidently, knowing that there is no reason for you to defend your actions in any way!

I would be thrilled to hear how you combat your inner critic. Let me know in the comments and remember to subscribe for more inspiring articles like these.

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Nonfiction Network is a weekly shoutout to anyone who writes nonfiction - no strings, just a bonus shoutout by me to help each other expand our network. 

Wordy Wit is a new hashtag to help keep each other accountable for our writing - not a word count but a monthly check-in to make sure we manage to write most days, if not every day.

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Catch me in the comments! I'd love to chat with you.

I'll leave you with this provocative quote from my most recent read, Atomic Habits:

You get what you repeat

It's the quote that made me realize what I repeat inside my head. Go and get your one free life! 


  1. For me it's someone who corrects everything I now, in my mind, I giggle everytime it happens...and I see how many giggles I can collect 😂

    1. Well that’s a great way of not letting it get you down, and upping your happy meter 😁


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