“I” Before “U”

I’m delighted to introduce our guest blogger kayymorgan today, directly from her own platform: Are you there, Erma? It’s me, Sylvia.” 

In her article below, kayymorgan captures the essence of self-care in relationships perfectly. Enjoy.



Sylvia: Erma, how have you survived that mother of all relationships? You know. Marriage?

Erma: Oh Sylvia, that's a biggie. The question of all questions. Too early for wine or an old-fashioned, so put a fresh pot on.

As the cooler temperatures set in and the daylight hours grow shorter, Sylvia contemplates all the ways to bring possibilites for happiness to life. It seems a bit inconsistent though since autumn for many carries darker thoughts. Death and dormancy even for some. However, Sylvia, ever hopeful given the company she keeps and her best friend's soothsaying abilities (Erma predicts that everything works out as it should in the end), is thinking about what makes people tick this time of year, especially other women who appear wildly happy with themselves and almost annoyingly contented in their marriages. And for the purpose of this conversation, marriage according to Sylvia means a long-standing commitment between two grown people who have vowed to be true to one another in good times and bad, yada-yada-yada, and who lack the possibility of easy escape or abandonment. How does one survive, thrive, grow, bloom, and blossom - keep the soil tilled so to speak, during and even after years of marriage?

Of course, as Sylvia has learned at Erma's urging, a steaming cup of coffee and a daydream often help nourish the spirit and soothe the soul. On occasion, both even assist in maintaining a woman's self-esteem and satisfying her amply. Undoubtedly, the recollection of Sylvia's best cup of coffee which led to the conjuring of Cam's bulging biceps and hypnotic hazel eyes often serves Sylvia well. And as Erma has told Sylvia time and again, it's okay to wind your own clock to keep it ticking on and in your own time. Sylvia and most women, married and unmarried, need to know that lovers, partners, and spouses cannot keep time sufficiently for them if they haven't spent the time on themselves uncovering, discovering, and exploring that which makes their their toes curl and their skin glisten.

Erma (looking for a little nosh to accompany the freshly brewed dark roast): Sylvia, I have a really simple recipe that only took me more than forty years years of marriage and togetherness to create and follow. On the surface, it's pretty easy - to me anyway. You know, Sylvia, how you made me think about "to B or not to B" a while back? Well, I have my own alphabetical application that I use to keep the marriage and relationship ground alive. "I" before "U" always!

Sylvia (mug in hand as she hurries towards the carafe for a quick refill): Hold that thought, Erma. Something tells me I need to be sitting for this next piece of info. I've got a feeling I should even be taking notes.

Erma and Sylvia spend the next several hours discussing, sharing, and lamenting the lack of true and unbridled fulfilment in many relationships, but namely marriage. While Sylvia interjects her own tales of woe due to feeling less or smaller in her relationship, Erma repeats what she knows to be true after oh-so-many years of being committed to one person.

"Sylvia, there are only two ways to be fulfilled in this life. First, ask for what you want. Be clear. Crystal. Don't leave your happiness and satisfaction to chance, hoping that your friend, lover, spouse, or partner will pick up on your cues and read your mind. Be specific. Be direct. You want eggs for breakfast and you know that only eggs will satisfy you completely, then why are you settling for oatmeal? Don't be afraid to ask for eggs - and any way you want them! This leads to the second way to fulfilment, by the way, and I don't think it's coincidental. If you can't get your eggs over-easy just the way you like them, want them, and need them, make them yourself. Often the only way to get something or to accomplish what you want and desire is to do it yourself. Anything and everything. This doesn't mean you don't want the person to share the meal, but it means that you know how to shop for, prepare, and feed yourself if they are unwilling, incapable, or unavailable. So, Sylvia, to recap: Ask for what you want. And if you don't get what you want or don't feel like asking, do NOT settle. 

Erma collects her mug, places it gingerly in the kitchen sink, and turns to her friend with one final utterance before heading out. "To recap, Syl, remember that 'I' always precedes 'u' in every way imaginable." 



"Always putting others first creates deep resentment, destroys your happiness, and is unsustainable. 
Putting yourself first allows you to meet your needs in the most skillful way. This, in turn, increases your happiness, joy, and capacity to love, so you can give freely and create healthy relationships.”– (Aziz Gazipura)

You’ll find more of Sylvia and Erma’s wisdom at the links below:

Facebook: overfiftyandfine - The Adventures of Sylvia and Erma

Instagram: K. Morgan - sylvia_erma

Personal Blog: Over Fifty and Fine


  1. Love this! You are so right if you don't put yourself first, you can not live fully into relationship with anyone. Thanks for a great read.

    1. It definitely can create some resentment. Glad you enjoyed the article, thanks for your feedback.


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