PROPEL Through Barriers or Obstacles

Do you choose a word of the year?

It doesn't always stay in the fore front of my mind when I have selected a word for the year but it certainly helps me stay focused on my projects.

Image above embodies: Propel/Focus/In-Sync

What is your word or phrase for 2023?

The reason I've chosen 'PROPEL' as my word, is it's very definition to: push, move or drive something forwards. To push, move or drive through barriers or obstacles. To spur or drive into a particular situation.

I mean, it's an exact proposal for living, right? Life can throw obstacles our way and it is our own business to maneuver our way around them and keep moving forwards. That is the ultimate secret to SUCCESS, but remember…

Success looks different for everyone 

To keep my writing career successfully moving forwards, I am changing course into fiction this year. Truth be told, my upcoming release is based on true events, so I like to think of it as factual fiction. Have you read any great examples of true fiction? This is not the same as historical fiction but a story woven out of current events with fictional embellishment.

The working title for this story is, Love and Laughter (and other disasters). It is based on the drama and highlights of life in a close-knit village within an older community of wizened souls and foolish gossips. As the realm of midlife romance is explored, the rumours fly from house to house, with an additional theory from each.

As a complementary and complimentary side project, I started a midlife-love experiment late last year called, Romance and Wrinkles. The idea is to re-invent our relationship in our mature years, although younger couples can use the same model. 

It simply involves at-home date ideas where the focus is solely on your partner, because that's where relationship growth starts, by observing and getting to know your partner more deeply.

We started our first event on 7 January 2023 which I am happy to forward to you if you are interested in joining us, just comment below so I know you'd like the first one before February's event comes around. (There is only one per month which makes it easy to accomplish).

My husband and I did a similar dating experiment a few years back and it was so successful for our relationship that I wanted to share some ideas with other couples who's relationship could use a boost too.

The sign-up form for Romance and Wrinkles is here: 
Please bear in mind that the sign-up form for this blog that you're reading here is separate from the Romance and Wrinkles one above.

If you'd like to subscribe to this blog, Creating Sparks that Last, for updates on writing projects and behind-the-scenes maps and photos of the area that the story takes place in, the link is here:

Let’s hear your word of the year and how you’ve used it to start the year off this January.

Here’s to a cracking 2023 🎉🎉

Keep moving forwards 

In your own way

If you're curious about our date experiment from a few years back, mentioned above, you can take a look at our quick-read dating diaries for just .99c here:


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