*THE* Secret to Staying Motivated

And Successful

Okay now that I have begrudgingly (but successfully) transitioned into autumn, I have something wonderful to share!

Back in those balmy summer days - so very long ago now - (sigh), I had one of those life-changing, and I mean LITERALLY life-changing, epiphanies that these gorgeous hot sunshiny days were not going to last forever. Go figure, but it is something a lot of us take for granted. So I did what any sun loving creature would do - I decided to train for a triathlon!

Now I was the kid in the swimming comp who would be spluttering and coming last while the coach would be walking alongside me at the edge of the pool clapping and cheering me on, bringing ALL THE ATTENTION to my drowning self. 💦 🏊‍♀️ 💦 But here we are. In an open water canal swimming lengths to train for a triathlon, sans the cheering coach thankfully because the canal is lined on both sides with rows of homes fully occupied with retirees just gazing out their windows for some entertainment. Well they got just that!

But the point here is not to entertain you with my swimming antics amidst flying fish and other creepy crawlies, no, this post is to inform you that I have decided to write a short story about my Tri training and, fingers crossed, successful completion of said Tri.

The secret to staying motivated? It was that personal reflection I spoke of in last month’s article that spurred me on. (Read it here if you missed it.) Staring at our bright blue summer skies everyday, I realised how ridiculous it was to not be OUT THERE enjoying the perfect weather! I’ve never done a Tri but by gosh I’m going to give it a red hot go!

Given this background, perhaps you have some suggestions for a title?

• Triumphant

• Tri With All Your Might

• Swim Run Cycle Repeat

These are just a few I’ve come up with so far. Feel free to comment with your suggestions below, I’d love to hear them.

If you think I’m crazy to take this Triathlon on, well I probably am, but to reassure you that I’m not too crazy, I’ll let you know that I discovered a shorter version of a full Tri, called a sprint Tri. It’s not ‘sprint’ as in faster, just shorter and that’s what I meant before when I said to find a goal you can achieve to SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS.

How will you set yourself up for success in the coming months? 

• Will you establish a writing space you can utilize with more consistency?

• Will you develop a routine of keeping in touch with distant friends or relatives?

• Will you work towards saving for a dream holiday or other goal you are working towards?

• Or do you, like me, have a fitness goal you are training for?

 What will you do to propel yourself forwards in the coming months? 


My writing projects are moving forwards slowly due to the fact that I have replaced my old laptop with a new one and had some technical difficulties transferring all my data across. Almost pulled my hair out  sorted now and I should be back at my writer's desk in the next week. Happy dance! 💃💃

Two books that I finished reading in March had a big impact on me and were of the ilk that needed time to be digested before continuing on with the next book. They were both continuations from previous months as is my wont with reading several books at once. 

The first one is fiction, called These Dividing Walls by Fran Cooper. At first glance, the depth of relationship nuances is not revealed, but as the story progresses, so the author's observations of so many different relationships is revealed. Deep, affective, emotive - it sat with me for a while.


The second book that moved me was by Suzanne Renee, called Conquering the Undertow: Learning to Breathe Again. I felt immobilised to participate in normal everyday living for the 24 hours after I finished reading her memoir. 

Whilst I don't know Suzanne personally, I do have her in my circle on both Instagram and Facebook. The Nonfiction Network and We Love Memoirs Group respectively. Suzanne endured so much before she was able to put pen to paper in her memoir and yet she comes across as a calming influence to those of us who encounter her quiet demeanour. I'll leave my review for her book here for you to read:

"This is a book that will stay with me forever! Suzanne took us along on her journey with so much emotion and understanding that I could not stop reading. Her explanations and insight surrounding her decisions was so relatable that I felt understood by her even though we’ve never met. Huge congrats on a brilliant book!"

Here is the buy link for you: Conquering the Undertow: Learning to Breathe Again

As mentioned, Suzanne and I know each other from social media, so whether you love to read and/or write memoirs, come and join us in THE FRIENDLIEST GROUP ON FACEBOOK: We Love Memoirs

And if you're into all things nonfiction, come and join us over on Instagram. At Nonfiction Network, all writer's who join us get a free shoutout every second Monday by yours truly - that's me, Elora Canne! Instagram/Nonfiction Network - A simple YES PLEASE under our next Nonfiction Network post on 27 March 2023 will get you there, or feel free to DM me - just be sure to mention Nonfiction Network so I know you're not some sleezy spammer!

While on the topic of book news, I feel it pertinent to mention here that the author who was a BIG influence on my triathlon motivation and training, is Kate Champion. 

Kate, too, forms part of our Nonfiction Network and I have read 3 of her 4 books. Her most recent, You Are Limitless, is filled with inspiring stories from real people who share their way forwards through difficult times.

Kate's first book, Never Too Late, is equally inspiring and is the one that got me off the couch and into the canal (mentioned at the beginning of this blog post). Both books are highly recommended as is her third one I have read, A Pocket Guide to Hiking, Running and Backpacking.

You can find all of Kate's information on her website here: Kate Champion Author 

Or on Instagram: Kate Champion Author

I feel I have left you with much to ponder and I do hope to see you in, if not all, then at least one of the opportunities mentioned above. So come and have fun with a bunch of bookworms.

Until next time, stay true to you xx

Find all my info here: Just tap the blue link.

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