How to Realise Your Dreams

Because Dreams Really Do Come True

February was filled with dreams coming true for me and I want that for you too.

So, I'm not going to tell you all the stuff you already know, I'm going to let you in on a little-known secret to your success instead:

Elora Canne

Keep on trying.

Try something different,


or simply a different approach.

Just keep on trying.


One of my successes in January was to compete in a mini-triathlon. Now to know why this is such a big deal for me, you must understand that I am the girl who spluttered and half drowned her way through the compulsory swimming competitions at school. Hated it. But I'm not going to spoil the story for you because that leads to one of my dreams come true for this month. I've completed the first draft of a short story that takes you on my segue from drowned rat to triathlete, medal included! 

Beautiful Uluru - no filter; photograph taken by me on my iPhone!

My second fabulous dream come true this month involved travel. My sister, Jude, and I had Uluru on our travel dream list. And wow did we experience Uluru.

Dreams really do come true. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine experiencing the spirit of the mountain like we did. It was immersive, spiritual and otherworldly. If you're interested in knowing how we did all that, follow this link to my Pinterest post: Uluru - A most spiritual experience

If this is something out of your realm but you have a travel dream list too, try a different approach. 

  • Perhaps enter competitions for a trip you'd love
  • Save a dollar a day
  • Wait for ridiculous specials
Jude and I cut every expense we could and our budget stay was all the more immersive.

Aside from the writing group I started in January, I've also started a paddling group this month with a bunch of local ladies. Both the first meetings of these groups were so successful that those involved wanted to keep going. Now I'm not a leader of any kind and certainly don't aspire to be a leader, but these are activities that I have wanted to achieve for a very long time. And we all know by now:

There's only one way to achieve goals - keep on trying!

Onto Book News:

I have thoroughly enjoyed some diverse reads this month. I finally got my own copy of Atomic Habits by James Clear. Another first with books for me is that I have allowed myself the deliciousness of highlighting passages for future reference. Do you highlight important sentences too? I've already seen improvements in my daily tasks from this book, by the way. The following notion came upon me when I considered the many readers who will achieve varying goals after reading Atomic Habits, and I rather like it:

Books unite us in mind,


but set us apart in interpretation.


The Inca’s Curse by Ellen Read

I was fortunate to nab an ARC copy of a fellow indie author's book, The Inca's Curse, which I loved. It's a new-to-me genre of mystery romance and it's been rather intriguing to discover. The author is Ellen Read. It's the second in The Thornton Mystery series and I've so enjoyed watching the romances blossom from the first book to the second. It is delightfully clean romance with many mysterious twists.

Ellen Read - Author

Digger the Wonder Dog by Barbara Randell

I love my writing community over on Instagram and am never short of reading material. Fellow multi-author, Barbara Randell recently shared her first children's story Digger the Wonder Dog with me. It is such an endearing story and has a surprising, yet satisfying end to it. We predominantly follow Digger's adventures north of Adelaide where he becomes the hero of several small communities. He quickly crept into my heart and I even wished I could meet him in real life!

Barb Randell - Author

February was a busy month for me. I read the third in a series of memoirs by Lynn Walker. A Perfectly Good Fantasy: A Memoir, had a refreshing take on a very serious topic; addiction. Walker managed to pull off a humorous telling of her recovery from serious drug and alcohol addiction which made it an easy, yet informative, read.

A Perfectly Good Fantasy: A Memoir
By Lynn Walker

Lynn Walker - Author

Dynamic Alignment by Brad Borkan and Holly Worton

Along similar lines of Atomic Habits, but shorter and in easily set-out format, I read a quick-read called Dynamic Alignment by Brad Borkan and Holly Worton. This book is a game-changer in getting to know yourself more deeply and using your strengths, skills and interests towards a more fulfilling and rewarding life. Really worthwhile and a definite re-read for me.

Brad Borkan - Author

Holly Worton - Author

Well, that's it from me. I am determined to carry the wondrous beginnings of 2024 from summer into our Autumn months. Many of you will be heading into Spring with new beginnings aplenty. I'm excited for all of us!

If you've read this far, thank you. I'd like to give you the opportunity to be an early reader for my triathlon short story. If you'd like to be an Early Reader in the middle of March please email me at: with the subject heading: Early Reader.

Uncertain of Early Reader expectations? Simply read through the +-7000 word short story and let me know your thoughts. The role of Early Readers is to give the author an idea of story flow, receptivity amongst readers and general readability. That's it. Email me with no strings attached, no monetary exchange, just an author looking for honest feedback.

Bye for now.


  1. I just wanted to say that this is a great post with some really helpful tips on how to achieve your dreams. I especially like the idea of breaking down your goals into smaller steps - it makes everything seem less overwhelming and more doable. Remember, even the biggest dreams can be achieved if you take it one step at a time. Keep on dreaming big, and don't forget to have fun along the way!

  2. Lovely feedback, thank you.


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