Choose Her Every Day

(or Leave Her)

I have an emotive book review for you today, so hold onto your hats, because this book is transformative!

What follows is a guide for your journey through the transformational fires of love and intimacy, as written by Bryan Withrow Reeves.

This book has big themes. I'm usually a multi-reader but this was a singular read for me, albeit in small doses so I could absorb all that was being discussed.


My Five Star Review:


Reeves has a no-nonsense style of writing that appeals to my sense of recognition and acknowledgement, that we are all in similar relationship struggles, even the experts.

He has an upfront approach to revealing all the nuances of what it's like being a male from an intimacy point of view - nothing crude, just direct. However, he is clear to differentiate between the masculine and feminine sides we each have.

The author takes us through his failed relationships from youth to maturity. He outlines what went wrong and what worked, with his recent knowledge of being a relationship coach.

Through many coaching sessions, Reeves has an in-depth insight into the needs and desires of women in relationships, though I hasten to add that we are all different. However, Reeves speaks to the basic relationship breakdowns that occur with most couples.

Why I Would Recommend the Book:

Whether you are single, in a new relationship or navigating the changes of a long-term relationship, this book gives clear guidance in the context of partnership. It asks the big questions of what you're looking for in yourself, in a partner and in relationship.

What I Didn't Like About the Book:

There is a lot to take in. While the chapters are manageable length, they are packed with content worth memorizing. I would have preferred some of the information in an addendum at the end of the book, but perhaps that's just me.

Excerpt From the Book:

Uncertainty caused her to demand evidence of my love that made sense to her. I resented her attempts to constrain my behavior. This made her feel more uncertain...

...Had I been aware that the feminine force in her was yearning to experience the depths of my love, I could have shown up completely differently for her. 

Out of context, this excerpt may seem contrite to the reader, but let me assure you that the author has considered both feminine and masculine perspectives with empathy.

I felt that this excerpt conveys the overarching arc of the book succinctly.

My Personal Reflections:

For anyone who's been hanging with me for a while, you'll know that I’m always striving to get the best out of my own relationship. So, when this book was offered to me, I grabbed it with both hands.

My own marriage is a long-term one spanning four decades! Yip, you read that right. I'm sure you can imagine that neither of us are the same high school sweethearts we once were. Our commitment to each other has had to undergo many transformations. And transform we did. And very successfully so, I might add.

That said, no relationship is ever free of committed work together. Because that's what it takes to stay the course, and I found much valuable content for my own relationship in Reeves’ book.

About the Author:

Bryan Withrow Reeves has written a masterpiece in his book, Choose Her Every Day (or Leave Her). He has outlined a recipe for success for anyone who is searching for the best in their relationship.

A former US Air Force Captain, Bryan is now an internationally renowned Author and Life/Relationship Coach. His viral blog has been read by over 30 million people in every country on the planet (except North Korea). With a Masters Degree in Human Relations and decades of experience studying - and burning in - the transformational fires of intimate relationship, Bryan now coaches men, women and couples in creating thriving lives and relationships.

Hold onto your hats, because 
this book is transformative! 


This is the buy link on Amazon: Choose Her Every Day (or Leave Her) 

Connect with Bryan at the following links:

Instagram: @bryanreevesinsight

Facebook: @bryanreevesofficial

Website: BryanReeves

If you read it (and you should!), let me know your thoughts in a comment below.

My Writing News:

Not Marriage Material is an upcoming anthology of non fiction and poetry, collated by Sue Bavey. Submissions are still open at the link below, and I am pumped to have a piece accepted for consideration.

The title of my short story is Midnight in Cowboy Boots; a retelling of a misguided relationship in my youth. 

It would thrill my indie author heart no end, if you read the story and possibly gave it a ‘like’ if you enjoyed it. You’ll find it on Sue Bavey’s website at this link:

Midnight in Cowboy Boots



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